Tag: traffic safety
Put the Brakes on Distracted Driving
June 21, 2018. John Galvin
Summer is finally here in the Northeast, and many of us will be jumping in the car and taking road trips near and far. During this time, you’re bound to experience more drivers on the road than any other time of year. If you’re like me, you’re also noticing the increasing number of drivers who…

AAA Helps Publicize Rhode Island’s Hand-Held Ban
June 15, 2018. AAA Staff
AAA Northeast leaders joined state officials, legislators, traffic safety advocates and police officers at the club’s Providence headquarters in May to bring attention to Rhode Island’s new ban on hand-held wireless communication devices while driving. Drivers who violate the law, which took effect June 1, face fines of up to $100. To help drivers adapt…
AAA Urges You Not To Drive Intexticated
June 15, 2018. AAA Staff
A father is driving with his three children in the back seat. His left hand is firmly on the steering wheel while his right hand is gripping a beer bottle. Shocking, right? But would you be as shocked if the same man was holding a phone instead? Distracted driving can be as devastating as driving…
New Jersey Student Share Traffic Safety Messages
June 15, 2018. AAA Staff
Seven local students earned first-place awards for their artwork in the annual AAA Traffic Safety Poster & Video Contest. Students were judged in several grade categories and competed against students from across New Jersey. Winners included: Kindergarten Sean Corcoran, Academy of Our Lady of Grace, Fairview Primary (Grades 1-2) Miah Ovando, first grade, Academy of…
Students Share Winning Traffic Safety Messages
June 15, 2018. AAA Staff
More than 3,000 students did their part to help protect cyclists, pedestrians, drivers and passengers through AAA Northeast’s 2018 Traffic Safety Poster and Video Contest. Students in kindergarten through 12th grade in Connecticut, Massachusetts, New York and Rhode Island submitted entries. Their creations touched on pedestrian, bicycle and school bus safety, distracted driving, child passenger…
R.I. Ban on Hand-Held Devices Now in Effect
May 14, 2018. AAA Staff
Drivers talking on hand-held phones in Rhode Island can be ticketed by police and fined up to a $100.
Distracted Drivers Make Everyone’s Commutes Slower
May 14, 2018. AAA Staff
The next time you’re a few minutes late for work, you could blame it on distracted drivers. After all, the excuse is backed by science. Distracted drivers can slow down commutes by as much as 10 percent, according to David Strayer, a cognitive neuroscientist at the University of Utah. His research for the AAA Foundation…
AAA, State Leaders Highlight R.I. Hands-Free Law
May 09, 2018. AAA Staff
AAA Northeast leaders joined elected officials, legislators, traffic safety advocates and police officers at the club’s Providence, R.I., headquarters to highlight Rhode Island’s new ban on drivers using hand-held cellphones.
Many Vehicles At Risk of Breaking Down
April 18, 2018. Dana Laverty
AAA finds vehicles 10 years and older are twice as likely to end up stranded on the side of the road compared to newer vehicles.
Drowsy Driving Endangers Lives
April 16, 2018. John Galvin
The busier our lives get, the more we wish for time to get things done. But according to the experts, what we all need more of is sleep.
AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety Celebrates 70 Years of Safe Driving
March 28, 2018. Sarah Hopkins
In celebration of its 70th anniversary, the AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety is highlighting its four most important research priorities on a new website.
Curb Cellphone Use to Keep Our Roadways Safe
March 14, 2018. John Galvin
Many years ago, I got my first cellphone. It was larger than the one I have today, and I could only make phone calls on it. Fast-forward to 2018, and cellphones are mini-computers that allow you to talk, text, watch shows, listen to podcasts and buy your favorite products. However, cellphones are also devices that…
New AAA Senior Driving Study Coming Down the Pike
February 14, 2018. Roberto Cruz
The AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety will soon release new information on the driving habits of older drivers. The research is the second phase of the foundation’s groundbreaking senior driver study, the Longitudinal Research on Aging Drivers project, or LongROAD for short. The multiyear project, which began in 2015, has resulted in the largest and…

Better Drivers Save Lives on the Road
January 15, 2018. John Galvin
At AAA, we focus a lot of our efforts on saving lives. Not many organizations can say that. We’re proud of the work we do. Not only do we rescue people from the side of the road in sometimes precarious situations, but we advocate for safer roads and driver safety. We lobby for legislative changes,…
Exploring the Impact of Impaired Driving
January 15, 2018. AAA Staff
As New Jersey prepares for a future with legalized recreational marijuana, AAA is exploring the impact it will have on our roadways, taking a proactive approach to marijuana-impaired driving and keeping all drivers safe. To that end, AAA recently hosted an Impaired Driving Summit to tackle the issue of drug-impaired driving on New Jersey’s roads….
ADA: Driving Under the Influence Like ‘Vehicular Roulette’
January 15, 2018. Roberto Cruz
When Martin Heidgen of Valley Stream, N.Y., drove drunk on July 2, 2005, he crashed his Chevrolet pickup into a limousine at highway speeds, killing 59-year-old Stan Rabinowitz and 7-year-old Katie Flynn. “When you drive under the influence, you are playing vehicular roulette,” said Maureen McCormick, chief of vehicular crimes at the Nassau County District…
What Did 2017 Teach Us About Insurance Needs?
December 18, 2017. AAA Staff
One year’s experiences are another year’s lessons. Just look at what we learned from 2017: Fidget spinners were a fad, virtual reality is here to stay and not even a credit repository is immune from a data breach. Last year also taught us much about the value of insurance. Here is a look back at…
Three Police Officers, Two Crossing Guards Celebrated in New Jersey
December 18, 2017. AAA Staff
AAA Northeast held its annual AAA Traffic Safety Awards luncheon in October, recognizing individuals and police departments who have gone and above beyond to bolster traffic safety in Essex, Morris and Union counties. Honorees included longtime Elizabeth crossing guards Rocco DiGiorgio (20 years), Elizabeth Parra (19 years) and Gladys Cintron (17 years). Each was named…
Rhode Island Legislators, Police Officers Lauded for Traffic Safety Efforts
December 18, 2017. AAA Staff
A single organization cannot improve traffic safety by itself. It takes the commitment of many stakeholders statewide, including traffic safety advocates, police officers, lawmakers and others. In November, AAA Northeast celebrated those efforts during the club’s annual AAA Community Traffic Safety Awards luncheon in Providence. Rhode Island Senate President Dominick Ruggerio and House of Representatives…
AAA Honors Individuals, Communities and Partners for Traffic Safety Measures in New York
December 18, 2017. AAA Staff
AAA Northeast held its 53rd annual Traffic Safety Awards luncheon in Garden City in October, recognizing individuals, organizations and communities for efforts to bolster traffic safety in New York. Marjorie Marciano, retired executive director of safety education and outreach for the New York City Department of Transportation, received an individual award for outstanding achievement in…