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Tag: teen driving

Cars & Trucks

The Safest Cars for Teens and New Drivers

September 06, 2024. AAA Staff

It’s all about safety when it comes to choosing a car for a new driver. Here are some of the top choices.

Cars & Trucks

Choosing a Driving School for Your Teen

July 15, 2024. Ellen R. Delisio

Reputation and results are top indicators of a good driver’s ed program. Here’s what else to look for when choosing the best training for your new driver.

Cars & Trucks

The Summer of Safety Is Here

May 29, 2024. Andrew Sheldon

With summer comes an increased risk to teenagers on the roadways. Here’s how you can help keep them safe.


Teen Driver Technology That Can Help Young Drivers Stay Safe

September 01, 2019. Ashley Richardson

Several automakers are introducing technologies to improve the safety of new drivers.

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Cars & Trucks

AAA Leads Teen Driving Safety Efforts

February 21, 2018. John Galvin

Helping teens learn to drive safely is one of the most important missions we have at AAA. Why? Because motor vehicle crashes are the leading cause of death for teens in the U.S. At AAA, our commitment to helping teens drive safely dates to the 1940s. That was the start of our successful driver training…


What’s Trending: Exciting New Technology for Travel, Cars and More

December 29, 2017. AAA Staff

Technology gets cooler and more advanced each and every day. Get the scoop on the latest high-tech accessories for travel, cars and your home.

Cars & Trucks

Top Teen Driving Tips from a Teen Expert

April 01, 2017. Roberto Cruz

Four years ago, Shelby Fix, The Car Coach 2.0, lost a friend in a car crash that involved texting while driving. “It really hit home,” said Shelby, the daughter of The Car Coach Lauren Fix, a nationally recognized automotive expert. Because April is Distracted Driving Awareness Month, Your AAA caught up with Shelby, who has…