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Tag: save

Food & Dining

Diamond Dish: The Weekapaug Inn

January 27, 2021. Marisa Perjatel

For fine costal cuisine, head to the Weekapaug Inn or make their pan-seared scallops in your own kitchen.

Air Travel

Mask Mandates in Effect for Most U.S. Interstate Travel

January 25, 2021. Dana Laverty

President Joe Biden’s executive orders also require negative COVID-19 tests for U.S.-bound international airline passengers.

Cars & Trucks

The History of the Glove Compartment

January 25, 2021. Andrew Sheldon

The story of the glove compartment begins more than a century ago and takes many twist and turns to arrive at the car feature we know today.


When You Should Buy Instead of Rent a House

January 21, 2021. AAA Staff

Are you ready to buy a house but unsure if it’s worth it – or if you have enough saved? Find out if buying is the right move for you.


Traditional vs. Roth: Which IRA Retirement Plan is Right for You?

January 20, 2021. Joanna Cutrara

What’s the difference between a traditional and Roth IRA? Find the IRA retirement plan that will help you save big.

Road Trips

Wintry Three-Day Weekends in the Sun and Snow

January 15, 2021. Roberto Cruz

Cozy lodges, comfort food and snow-covered New England villages will leave you with a newfound appreciation for all that’s good about winter.


The Top Tech Finds for 2024

January 14, 2021. Ellen R. Delisio

The CES 2024 Consumer Technology Association trade show featured some exciting future automobile technology and plenty of other impressive products.

Homeowner's Insurance

Home Security Myths and Facts

January 12, 2021. Angelica Beneke

The top 10 most common home security myths and the truths behind them.

Cars & Trucks & Electric Vehicles

Massachusetts to Ban Sale of New Gas-Powered Cars by 2035

January 06, 2021. Andrew Sheldon

If you’re a Massachusetts resident that wants to buy a new gas-powered car, the clock is ticking.

Homeowner's Insurance

How To Organize a Storage Unit

January 06, 2021. Peter Vey

Transform your storage unit from a mountain of boxes to a tidy and orderly space.


17 Ways to Make the Most of Your Money

January 05, 2021. Ellis Einhorn

Capitalize on your income and reach your money goals with these tips.


AAA Fleet Drivers Treat Both Vehicles and Members

January 04, 2021. Andrew Sheldon

AAA battery tech Bryan King thrives on the responsibility to assist members – and their loved ones – at their time of need.


Tips for an Energy-Efficient Home

December 10, 2020. Ellis Einhorn

Learn what you can do today to cut costs and save energy in your home.

Cars & Trucks

Survey Says: Men Are More Aggressive Behind the Wheel

December 04, 2020. AAA Staff

AAA urges motorists to keep their cool as research shows differences between men and women regarding aggressive driving behavior

Day Trips

13 Amazing New York Sunset and Sunrise Spots

December 02, 2020. Andrew G. Rosen

A New York sunset or sunrise is a must-see experience. Read on for a list of places where you can take advantage of the view.

Cars & Trucks

The Anatomy of Auto Glass

November 30, 2020. Andrew Sheldon

An inside look at what auto glass is made of and how it’s manufactured. 


8 Budgeting Tips for New Homeowners

November 27, 2020. Maddy Osman

Purchasing a house is a huge expense but the spending doesn’t stop there. Having a budget will help with the costs that come with building a home.


Snowbirds’ Guide to Flying Away for Winter

November 20, 2020. Angelica Beneke

Tips for retirees who wish to flock to warmer weather for the winter.


Handling a Market Downturn When Near or at Retirement

November 10, 2020. Andrew Sheldon

When retirement is in view, changes in the market play a bigger role. Here’s how to navigate financial ups and downs during your later years.

Cars & Trucks

Things You Didn’t Know About Auto Glass

November 04, 2020. Andrew Sheldon

What are those black dots around car windows? And how are windshields related to airbags? Find the answers to these questions and more.