Tag: road trip


Theme Parks, European Cities Top Summer Travel Plans

April 11, 2019. Dana Laverty

The majority of U.S. travelers are planning summer getaways this year, with theme parks and European destinations topping the list.

Auto Insurance

Collision Damage Coverage for Older Vehicles

April 08, 2019. Robert Yaniz Jr

How does collision damage coverage change as your vehicle ages?

Podcast Pulse

Podcast Pulse: A Podcast Guide for Beginners

January 31, 2019. Sarah Hopkins

Looking for something to listen to while you drive? Check out this podcast guide for first-time listeners!

Health & Fitness

17 Signs You Need a Vacation

December 28, 2018. Marisa Perjatel

If you recognize more than a couple of the following signals, it’s time for a vacation!

Road Trips

10 Awesome AAA Hertz Perks

November 29, 2018. Colm Ashe

In celebration of AAA’s milestone 40-year partnership with Hertz, learn about some of benefits that AAA members can enjoy when renting a car.

Road Trips

How to Survive a Road Trip With Kids

November 17, 2018. Roberto Cruz

Learn how to limit the real distractions that come with a weekend getaway or road trip with kids and make the experience fun for all.

Air Travel

Explore the World Through Geocaching

November 02, 2018. Ashley Richardson

One of the traveling world’s fastest-growing hobbies, geocaching is a scavenger hunt that can help you find new places around the world or just around the corner.

Cars & Trucks

A 3-Step Guide on How to Rent a Car

October 24, 2018. Rebecca Melnitsky

Do you know how to rent a car? There’s a little more to it than simply grabbing the keys from the rental company and hitting the road.


Count Cash With These Fun Money Saving Tips

October 07, 2018. Nalea Ko

Cutting expenses doesn’t have to be a total drag. Plan your next money move with the tips in this helpful guide.

Road Trips

Fall Escapes to Suit Your Travel Style

October 03, 2018. Donna Heiderstadt

No matter who you want to get away with this fall – your family, your girlfriends, the guys, the love of your life – there’s a trip that combines the season’s scenic splendor with activities that match your travel style. Enjoy reading about these fall escapes nestled throughout the Northeast. Romantic Escape Block Island, R.I….

North American Tours

Train Travel Across the Globe Provides a Scenic Vacation

October 03, 2018. AAA Staff

Many countries offer opportunities to make train travel part of your next getaway. Learn about the best here.

Road Trips

Cool Road Trips to Take With New York Music in Mind

October 02, 2018. Nathan Duke

Music lovers in the New York City metro area will find fascinating stops on these cool road trips to take with buddies or by yourself.

Road Trips

Fall en Route to Canada’s Maritime Provinces

September 13, 2018. Craig Idlebrook

An autumn itinerary that encompasses some of our greatest hits of travel experiences for a family road trip to the Maritime Provinces.


The Best Travel Tech For Trips, Treks and Hitting The Road

September 03, 2018. Dana Laverty

Travel gadgets make every trip better. Here are some of the best travel tech and new technology products for your next vacation.

Cars & Trucks

Keep Your Car Running Longer

August 31, 2018. Sarah Hopkins

In this guide, you can learn everything from general car care tips to the nitty-gritty business of keeping your car running like a dream.

Food & Dining

The Tastiest Nearby Food Destinations

August 18, 2018. Marisa Perjatel

For a quick and delicious escape, these nearby food trips are worth going the distance for.

Road Trips

Rest Stops Worth Seeing in the Northeast

August 15, 2018. Jill Schensul

For your next road trip: routes that include a variety of wonderful (rest) stops.

National Parks

Guide to US National Parks: Forests, Mountains and Historic Sites

August 15, 2018. Pamela Hunt

If you’re seeking a walk through a leafy forest or a challenging high up a rocky peak, check out these U.S. national parks.

North American Tours

The California Road Trip of a Lifetime

August 01, 2018. AAA Staff

Explore the west coast on a California road trip you won’t forget. Get inspiration for how to tour America with our guide.

Road Trips

Tips for Taking a Car Ride With Your Critters

July 17, 2018. AAA Staff

Traveling with pets can be a fun-filled experience – or utter insanity. Here are some directions from AAA for driving with your four-footed passengers. Get Ready To help prevent car sickness, feed your pet a light meal four to six hours before departing. Do not give an animal food or water in a moving vehicle….