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Tag: rent


How to Set Up a Budget and Stick to Your Savings Plan

April 09, 2020. Nalea Ko

Get back to budgeting basics! Follow these helpful tips to successfully develop a strong savings plan and avoid temptations.

Road Trips

The Wright Stuff: A Look at Frank Lloyd Wright’s Buffalo

June 29, 2019. Aimee Carrier

Famous architect Frank Lloyd Wright was a Buffalo favorite during his prairie-style period.


How to Fund Your Retirement Travel Dreams

January 15, 2019. Joanna Cutrara

Hoping to catch up on plans to see the world when you retire? Here’s how you can make those retirement travel dreams come true.


Daily Expense Tracking to Avoid Busting Your Budget

January 13, 2019. Maddy Osman

Stay on top of tracking your daily expenses and you’ll never have to wonder where your last paycheck went again.