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Tag: old

Road Trips

How Car Rentals Work for Young and New Drivers

January 28, 2018. Sarah Hopkins

It’s easier than ever for young and new drivers to hit the road on rented wheels. Find out how with these helpful tips for renters under the age of 25.


‘Smells Like Teen Spirit’? Nirvana, Rolling Stones on Trend Again

January 15, 2018. Cassandra Raposo

When’s the last time you saw a Nirvana T-shirt? Was it at the height of the band’s fame in the 1990s? How about AC/DC, Guns N’ Roses, Slayer or Pink Floyd? Vintage band tees have come back into style. But they’re not mementos from concerts attended in yesteryear. They’re stocked on the racks at chain…


What’s Trending: Exciting New Technology for Travel, Cars and More

December 29, 2017. AAA Staff

Technology gets cooler and more advanced each and every day. Get the scoop on the latest high-tech accessories for travel, cars and your home.


Polaroid Cameras Snapping Back Into Fashion

December 18, 2017. Cassandra Raposo

Millennials are infamously known as the instant gratification generation. Could that be why Polaroid-type cameras have made a resurgence? In November 2012, Fujifilm released the Fujifilm Instax Mini 8, a funky, chunky camera with a vintage selling point: It prints photos instantly, much like a classic Polaroid camera. And, just as instantly, it was on…

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Cars & Trucks

Predicting 2018’s Most Important Car Technology

December 18, 2017. Roberto Cruz

Will 2018 bring a robot uprising led by artificially intelligent driverless cars bent on world domination? Probably not. But technology is changing cars faster than ever before. Look into a crystal ball with us as we explore technologies that could have the biggest impact on cars and trucks in 2018. Smartphone Integration Mobile apps like…

Air Travel

The World’s Best Ski Towns for History and Fun

December 15, 2017. AAA Staff

Why choose between historic exploration and fun recreation when you don’t have to? Get the best of both worlds on any of these ski getaways.

Cars & Trucks

Robin Meade’s 1974 Ford Maverick

November 28, 2017. AAA Staff

This award-winning journalist is the longtime anchor of “Morning Express with Robin Meade” on HLN. A former Miss Ohio, she is also the author of the New York Times best-seller “Morning Sunshine: How to Radiate Confidence and Feel It Too,” and a singer-songwriter with two country music albums. Wake up to Robin and the “Morning…

Ocean Cruises

Rock ‘N’ Roll is Here to Stay on Rocky’s Rockin’ Cruises

November 13, 2017. Sarah Hopkins

On Rocky’s Rockin’ Cruises, guests spend the whole week getting to know famous musicians and dancing to old time rock ‘n’ roll.

European Tours & Travel

Awe-Inspiring Ireland

October 01, 2017. Erik Trinidad

To someone unfamiliar with the depths of Irish culture, images of shamrocks and leprechauns and pints of green beer on St. Patrick’s Day might spring to mind. At least that was my experience before visiting Ireland. Anyone who’s traveled to the Emerald Isle knows that its centuries-old culture goes far deeper than the American collegiate…

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Road Trips

Fun Places to Visit in the Northeast

August 15, 2017. AAA Staff

The Northeast is packed with amazing destinations and towns within driving distance of both New York and Boston. This guide will hit the 202 best drive trips within two hours of those great cities. From the tip of Long Island to the curved arm of Cape Cod, to the coastal gems in Maine, including Acadia…


Fun Places to Visit in the Northeast: 202 Road Trips from New York and Boston

August 03, 2017. AAA Staff

In the Northeast, you’re surrounded by hundreds of incredible places to visit, sights to see, fun activities to enjoy – all within easy driving distance from wherever you live.

North American Tours

College Road Trips: Places to See on Your College Search

August 01, 2017. Kim Foley MacKinnon

There’s hardly a parent with a teenager contemplating college that hasn’t hit the road to visit potential schools. From simple afternoon visits to more complicated college road trips, it’s wise to book some noncollege-oriented activities to offset some of the pressure. After all, when both you and your child are deciding their future for the…

Cars & Trucks & Life

Is Your Battery Zapped?

July 26, 2017. Roberto Cruz

Car batteries hate extreme temperatures. It’s one reason so many fail in the summer heat. Periodically disconnecting the car battery to clean its terminals with water and baking soda can help extend its life, said AAA’s Car Doctor John Paul. But all automotive batteries will fail eventually. Here are a few signs yours is on…

Hotels & Resorts

Putting a Five Diamond Shine on the Big Apple

July 01, 2017. AAA Staff

If you’re looking to experience the finer side of New York City, AAA has you covered. For more than 80 years, AAA has inspected and rated both hotels and restaurants on behalf of AAA members. The highest ranking – AAA’s Five Diamond Award – is reserved for the best of the best. Earlier in the…

Cars & Trucks

Rob Corddry’s 1975 Ford Pinto

June 01, 2017. AAA Staff

Massachusetts-born Rob Corddry is an actor, comedian and writer who has appeared in hit films such as “Hot Tub Time Machine,” “Warm Bodies” and “Harold & Kumar Escape from Guantanamo Bay.” A longtime correspondent on “The Daily Show with Jon Stewart,” Corddry also created and starred in the Emmy Award-winning comedy series “Childrens Hospital” on…


Small Home Projects, Big Value

March 08, 2017. Nick Tavares

Minor projects create major value inside your home. A coat of paint, a weekend DIY project or a quick visit from a professional can make a difference in your dojo. To up your home’s value and appeal, check out these easy home projects. Consider seeking professional services and advice for the best possible results. Update…


Kicking It Low-Key in Canada

March 08, 2017. Jill Fergus

Canada is celebrating its 150th birthday throughout 2017 with special celebrations and events, so there’s never been a better time to head north of the border. While perennial favorites Toronto, Montreal and Quebec City are definitely worth visiting, here are a few lesser-known Canadian destinations to discover. Niagara-on-the-Lake This charming Victorian town in Ontario is…


Go Upscale With Upcycled Pet Beds

February 08, 2017. Nick Tavares

Let sleeping dogs lie − but let them lie in comfort and style. By upcycling some unwanted items, you can create classy new sleeping quarters for Fido and Fluffy for next to nothing. Here are a few ideas to build a better bed for your furry friend. The luxurious luggage apartment Turn a vintage hardcover…

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Cars & Trucks

Love Your Car? Show It That You Care

February 08, 2017. Roberto Cruz

Sometimes it’s nice to do things because you care. With Valentine’s Day around the corner, show your car some love with any of these three helpful, but sometimes ignored, preventive maintenance techniques. Set things straight. A properly aligned set of wheels makes your car drive straight and prevents tires from wearing out unevenly. While most…

Homeowner's Insurance

When Should I List My House?

January 15, 2017. AAA Staff

Spring is traditionally the busiest time of year for homebuying, but winter has its advantages.