Tag: medications


Arctic Outbreak to Bring Frigid Conditions That Can Wreak Havoc on Vehicles

January 06, 2025. Jillian Young

AAA offers guidance drivers should know before hitting the road.

Homeowner's Insurance

Insurance Resolutions for the New Year

January 04, 2025. AAA Staff

Start the year off right by resolving to continue to get the most out of your insurance coverage.


Number of Deadly Traffic Crashes Involving Older Drivers on the Rise

December 02, 2024. Jillian Young

AAA encourages seniors and their families to discuss safe mobility during Older Driver Safety Awareness Week.

Cars & Trucks

Top Challenges for Older Drivers

November 14, 2024. Andrew Sheldon

Older drivers face physical and cognitive challenges that can make operating a vehicle more difficult. Here’s how to overcome them.

Health & Fitness

How to Keep Your Smile Bright as You Get Older

August 01, 2024. Sarah Vincelette

Achieve and maintain a youthful smile through your golden years using these simple methods.

Homeowner's Insurance

Get Your Pet Disaster Preparedness Plan Ready

July 12, 2024. Marisa Perjatel

Pet disaster preparedness tips to keep your animals safe and protected in the event of a hurricane evacuation or other emergency.

Homeowner's Insurance

Hurricane Readiness Basics

May 09, 2024. AAA Staff

Atlantic hurricane season begins June 1 and ends November 30. Here’s how you can prepare for a hurricane, according to the Federal Emergency Management Agency.

Health & Fitness

How to Beat Spring Allergies

May 01, 2024. Sarah Hopkins

There’s got to be a way to get the upper hand over the season! Fear not, pollen-phobes. Here’s how to beat spring allergies.

Health & Fitness

Taking Care Of Your Teeth as You Age

April 08, 2024. AAA Staff

Maintaining dental health is crucial at every stage of life.

Health & Fitness

How Medication Can Affect Your Teeth

April 05, 2024. Sarah Vincelette

Certain types of medication can come with side effects – some of which can even affect your dental health.

Cars & Trucks

Tips for Driving in the Rain and Other Springtime Advice

March 27, 2024. AAA Staff

Cautious driving and proper car care are important aspects of staying safe in the rain.

Health & Fitness

How to Avoid Drowsy Driving on a Road Trip

March 08, 2024. Christina Elston

Drowsy driving is just as dangerous as driving while drunk.

Health & Fitness

How to Boost the Immune System Naturally

January 05, 2024. Dallas Ernst

The immune system is your first line of defense against illness. Help to boost your immunity naturally with these tips.

Health & Fitness

8 Oral Health Myths – Debunked

December 01, 2023. Sarah Hopkins

Setting the record straight on common misconceptions about dental care and oral hygiene.

Health & Fitness

Start Forming Healthy Habits

June 16, 2023. Dallas Ernst

Adding a new, healthy lifestyle habit to your day can help to improve overall wellness.

Supplemental Health

How To Stop Bug Bites From Itching and Other Helpful Tips

June 15, 2023. Cassandra Raposo

Summer will soon grace us with its presence, but so will the bugs. Here’s how to stop bug bites from itching, among other helpful bug bite tips.

Health & Fitness

The Key to Fighting Cavities as You Get Older

April 24, 2023. Sarah Hopkins

Spotting cavities gets harder as you get older, but these tips can help you stay ahead of tooth decay well into your golden years.


Social Security Resources: Quiz, Calculators and More

March 27, 2023. Andrew Sheldon

These Social Security resources will help you understand when it’s best to retire and how much you can expect in benefits.

Cars & Trucks

When You’re Caught in a Blizzard: Tips for Driving in Snow

January 11, 2023. Sarah Hopkins

Driving in snow can be hard when it catches you off-guard, but with these tips you can always be prepared.

Express Lane & Health & Fitness

5 Facts About Dental Insurance After Retirement

November 09, 2022. Sarah Vincelette

What you need to know to keep your oral health in tiptop shape through your golden years.