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Tag: medication

Homeowner's Insurance

Stay Safe and Warm During a Winter Power Outage

January 13, 2025. AAA Staff

Steps you can take to stay warm if you lose power this winter.

Cars & Trucks

Stay Safe With Winter Driving Tips From AAA

November 20, 2024. AAA Staff

A guide to keep you safe on the roads this season.

Cars & Trucks

Top Challenges for Older Drivers

November 14, 2024. Andrew Sheldon

Older drivers face physical and cognitive challenges that can make operating a vehicle more difficult. Here’s how to overcome them.

Health & Fitness

3 Reasons to Keep Dental Insurance After Retirement

October 11, 2024. Sarah Vincelette

Maintaining your oral health post-retirement is more important than you’d think. Here’s why.

Health & Fitness

Taking Care Of Your Teeth as You Age

April 08, 2024. AAA Staff

Maintaining dental health is crucial at every stage of life.

Health & Fitness

How Medication Can Affect Your Teeth

April 05, 2024. Sarah Vincelette

Certain types of medication can come with side effects – some of which can even affect your dental health.

Cars & Trucks

Tips for Driving in the Rain and Other Springtime Advice

March 27, 2024. AAA Staff

Cautious driving and proper car care are important aspects of staying safe in the rain.

Supplemental Health

How To Stop Bug Bites From Itching and Other Helpful Tips

June 15, 2023. Cassandra Raposo

Summer will soon grace us with its presence, but so will the bugs. Here’s how to stop bug bites from itching, among other helpful bug bite tips.

Ocean Cruises

Debunking Common Cruise Myths

March 30, 2023. Dana Hammond

Toss these cruise myths overboard! Don’t let these misconceptions stand between you and a fantastic bon voyage.


She’s Young, Healthy and a Stroke Survivor

February 18, 2023. Aimee Carrier

February is Heart Health Month, and AAA Northeast has teamed up with the American Heart Association to raise awareness.


She Owes Her Life to Breakthrough Heart Research

February 11, 2023. Aimee Carrier

February is Heart Health Month, and AAA Northeast has teamed up with the American Heart Association to raise awareness.

Homeowner's Insurance

Wedding Ring Insurance, Plus 4 More Things to Insure

July 07, 2022. Rebecca Melnitsky

Wedding rings are an investment that need to be protected. Here are some items you should be sure to insure.

Cars & Trucks

Essential Things to Keep in Your Car

December 07, 2021. AAA Staff

The ultimate list of things to keep in your car for safety, on-the-go maintenance and protecting yourself from the elements on a road trip.

Supplemental Health

How COBRA Health Insurance Works

August 28, 2020. Peter Vey

COBRA health insurance can be a great option for those who have recently lost their job or who have lost healthcare due to reduced hours.

Health & Fitness

How to Travel With Food Allergies

January 03, 2020. Christina Elston

Giving thought to how to travel with food allergies, especially when venturing abroad, can help travelers avoid allergic reactions.

Health & Fitness

How to Properly Dispose of Expired Medications

October 14, 2019. Dallas Ernst

Outdated medications can be dangerous to people, pets and the environment if they’re not disposed of correctly.

Health & Fitness

7 Tips for Saving on Prescriptions

September 26, 2019. Dallas Ernst

Don’t let price take precedence over your health and well-being. While prescription medications can be costly, there are a few ways you can save.

Health & Fitness

What You Need to Know About Bringing Medicine on a Plane

August 21, 2019. Dallas Ernst

Can you bring medicine on a plane? Of course. But – as with most things related to air travel – there are a few rules you should be aware of first.

Cars & Trucks

Senior Drivers Using Potentially Impairing Medications

May 03, 2019. Andrew Sheldon

AAA Foundation finds that nearly 1 in 5 older drivers uses medications that should be avoided.

Health & Fitness

Follow These Medicine Reminder Tips and Never Miss a Dose Again

January 20, 2019. Nick Tavares

Do you take daily medication? Remember your daily dose and stay on top of your health with these helpful tips.