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Tag: Massachusetts

Road Trips

Road Trip to Thrift and Vintage Stores in the Northeast

August 27, 2024. Sarah Vincelette

Love a good treasure hunt? Take your love of the thrift on the road with a trip to these amazing thrift shops and flea markets in our region.

Cars & Trucks

Driving While Filming: Social Media’s Dangerous Trend

August 09, 2024. AAA Staff

Driving while filming is dangerous, so why are people on social media doing it?

Auto Insurance

How Do Insurance Companies Determine Fault?

August 06, 2024. Sarah Vincelette

Learn how fault is determined after a car crash, and what you can do to make the claims process as smooth as possible.

Health & Fitness

How to Keep Your Smile Bright as You Get Older

August 01, 2024. Sarah Vincelette

Achieve and maintain a youthful smile through your golden years using these simple methods.

Road Trips

5 Celebrity-Owned Businesses in the Northeast

July 31, 2024. Sarah Vincelette

These local businesses are backed by some serious star power.

Day Trips

(Sun)flower Power: Sunflower Festivals in the Northeast

July 24, 2024. Karen Croke

The region’s sunflower fields are in bloom and open for u-pick events and festivals through summer and early fall.

Cars & Trucks

The Most Stolen Cars in America

July 24, 2024. AAA Staff

Is your car among the most likely to catch a thief’s eye? New data reveals the top stolen vehicles in the country.

Food & Dining

Spend a Moment at … Mrs. Mekler’s Mercantile

July 23, 2024. Sarah Vincelette

Taking in the sights, snacks and surroundings at some of our favorite places.

Cars & Trucks

Stop Driving in Flip-Flops

July 23, 2024. Ellen R. Delisio

Flip flops and other backless sandals are perfect for summer – just not for summer driving. Closed shoes are safest.

Electric Vehicles

EV Rebates 101: 2024 Edition

July 21, 2024. AAA Staff

With so many incentives, is now the time to go electric? That’s the question many car shoppers are asking themselves.

Auto Insurance

Why Did My Auto Insurance Rates Go Up?

July 16, 2024. Marisa Perjatel

You might not always be able to prevent your auto insurance rates from going up, but there are steps you can take to make sure you are getting the most for your money.

Cars & Trucks

Choosing a Driving School for Your Teen

July 15, 2024. Ellen R. Delisio

Reputation and results are top indicators of a good driver’s ed program. Here’s what else to look for when choosing the best training for your new driver.

AAA & Travel

Help AAA Give Back to Your Community

July 10, 2024. Ellen R. Delisio

From cleanups to food drives, AAA Northeast hosts events throughout the year where employees and members work together to help local communities.

Homeowner's Insurance

Fireworks Safety Tips and Facts for the Fourth of July

June 28, 2024. Marisa Perjatel

You can set the summer off with a bang, as long as you comply with local laws and practice safety.

Day Trips

July 4th Fireworks Displays in the Northeast

June 26, 2024. AAA Staff

Don’t settle for watching fireworks on TV this year. These Northeast shows include music, games, rides and more.

Cars & Trucks

This Summer’s Can’t-Miss Classic Car Shows

June 20, 2024. Ellen R. Delisio

Summer is the perfect time to admire vintage cars while soaking up sun.


Summer Bucket List 2024

June 18, 2024. Dallas Ernst

Make the most of your summer with our bucket list of classic summertime activities. How many will you check off this year?

Road Trips

8 Dreamy Coastal Destinations in the Northeast

June 12, 2024. Nicole Wakelin

Take a road trip to one of these beachy locales for the perfect summer getaway.

Student Lending

New FAFSA Form Rollout a ‘Bumpy Ride’ But Don’t Give Up

June 11, 2024. AAA Staff

Filling out a FASFA form is one of the most important, yet often confusing and underutilized steps in the college enrollment process.

Homeowner's Insurance

The Ins and Outs of Hurricane Insurance Deductibles

June 05, 2024. AAA Staff

Many Northeasterners are unaware of the hurricane deductible that is likely on their homeowners policy or what it means.