Tag: Mary Maguire

Health & Fitness

Breast Cancer Survivor Pushing Toward $1 Million Goal

October 15, 2024. Ellen R. Delisio

After her breast cancer diagnosis, AAA member Dianne Fonseca became a fierce advocate for raising awareness and supporting the cause.

Cars & Trucks

Empowering Teen Drivers to Make Safe Choices

June 10, 2024. Ellen R. Delisio

Students learned about the consequences of impaired driving at AAA Northeast’s 2024 teen safety summit.

Cars & Trucks

Raising the Speed Limit May Raise Risks

April 26, 2024. AAA Staff

AAA research reveals the importance of considering the needs of all road users before changing speed limits.

Cars & Trucks

How Do Potholes Form? And Avoiding Pothole Damage

February 28, 2024. Andrew Sheldon

Learn how car-eating craters are formed and what you can do to prevent major damage to your vehicle.


‘Slow Down, Move Over’ Saves Lives

November 13, 2023. AAA Staff

Each day, AAA roadside technicians brave risky conditions to protect and serve members at the roadside.