Tag: Lake Erie


Discovering the Great Lakes on a Viking Expedition Cruise

August 20, 2024. Stacey Zable

Experience an unforgettable small-ship journey, not too far from home.

Day Trips

25 Upstate N.Y. Day Trips That Will Make Your Weekend

July 24, 2024. AAA Staff

Forget the chaos of the city. Head upstate to experience a different, quieter side of New York.

Day Trips

Unforgettable Upstate New York Beaches

May 10, 2024. AAA Staff

No ocean? No problem! The rivers, lakes and parks of upstate New York prove that you don’t need access to the Atlantic to have a great time at the beach.

Road Trips

Top Routes for a Cross-Country Road Trip

April 05, 2022. Andrew Sheldon

A cross-country road trip is on every traveler’s bucket list. But which route should you take? Here are four worth options that will get you from coast to coast.