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Tag: Jogging

Auto Insurance

Fall Driving Tips

October 07, 2024. AAA Staff

Fall weather can be unpredictable. Prepare yourself and your vehicle for wet leaves, fog and more.

Day Trips

Beaches in the Boroughs: New York City Beaches

May 17, 2024. AAA Staff

Visit one of these New York City Beaches to sunbathe, swim and even surf through the hottest days of the year. 

Day Trips

Unforgettable Upstate New York Beaches

May 10, 2024. AAA Staff

No ocean? No problem! The rivers, lakes and parks of upstate New York prove that you don’t need access to the Atlantic to have a great time at the beach.

Health & Fitness

Starting a Morning Stretch Routine

July 12, 2021. Dallas Ernst

Most mornings begin with a yawn and a stretch. So why not add in a morning stretch routine to improve your fitness, flexibility and mobility?