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Tag: hazards

Holiday Highlights & Homeowner's Insurance

The 5 Most Common Holiday Insurance Claims

December 11, 2024. Sarah Vincelette

Learn about the season’s top hazards and how to navigate them with peace of mind.

Homeowner's Insurance

Holiday Pet Safety Tips

November 22, 2024. Sarah Vincelette

Keep your furry friends out of harm’s way this holiday season.

Cars & Trucks

Top Challenges for Older Drivers

November 14, 2024. Andrew Sheldon

Older drivers face physical and cognitive challenges that can make operating a vehicle more difficult. Here’s how to overcome them.

Cars & Trucks

Safe Driving Tips for Hazardous Conditions

October 03, 2024. Andrew Sheldon

Driving is so routine, it’s easy to let safety slip your mind. These tips will help you navigate dangerous roads and other questionable conditions.

Homeowner's Insurance

Wind Damage and Your Insurance: How to Prepare for the Worst

July 31, 2024. Sarah Vincelette

With damage from high winds becoming more common, it pays to review your insurance policies.

Homeowner's Insurance

Home Safe: Backyard Liabilities to Consider This Summer

June 25, 2024. Sarah Vincelette

How to avoid common hazards associated with everyday backyard equipment and activities.

Homeowner's Insurance

Don’t Forget These Important Electrical Safety Tips

May 23, 2024. Dallas Ernst

Avoiding electrical hazards in and around your home can help save lives and reduce the risk of property loss.

Homeowner's Insurance

Is Your Backyard Deck a Safety Hazard?

May 20, 2024. Peter Vey

Outdoor decks are a family hub in the summer, but without proper construction or maintenance they could become dangerous.

Homeowner's Insurance

Insurance Jargon From A to Z

May 16, 2024. AAA Staff

Insurance has a language all its own. Don’t get lost in translation.

Cars & Trucks

Raising the Speed Limit May Raise Risks

April 26, 2024. AAA Staff

AAA research reveals the importance of considering the needs of all road users before changing speed limits.

Cars & Trucks

Spring Car Care Tips

March 18, 2024. Andrew Sheldon

Take care of these springtime maintenance tasks to keep your car safe and running smoothly through summer.

Cars & Trucks

How Do Potholes Form? And Avoiding Pothole Damage

February 28, 2024. Andrew Sheldon

Learn how car-eating craters are formed and what you can do to prevent major damage to your vehicle.

Homeowner's Insurance

Space Heater and Fireplace Safety Tips

November 29, 2023. Dallas Ernst

Whether you use a space heater or a fireplace to keep warm in winter, be sure to take necessary safety precautions.


‘Slow Down, Move Over’ Saves Lives

November 13, 2023. AAA Staff

Each day, AAA roadside technicians brave risky conditions to protect and serve members at the roadside.

Road Trips

8 PGA Championship Golf Courses in the Northeast

August 25, 2023. Andrew Sheldon

Want to play where the pros play? These golf courses have all hosted the PGA Championship.

Cars & Trucks

Gas Pedal Sticking: What To Do and How To Prevent It

July 28, 2023. Nicole Wakelin

A gas pedal sticking to the floor can be a scary situation. Knowing these steps can help you stop the car and get off the road safely.

Cars & Trucks

What To Do if You Find Roadkill

March 21, 2023. Andrew Sheldon

Roadkill is an unfortunate yet extremely common occurrence on roadways. Here’s what to do if you come across it.

Cars & Trucks

A Guide to Snow and Ice Removal Laws

January 05, 2023. Andrew Sheldon

Failure to remove snow and ice from your car isn’t just dangerous – it’s illegal!

Cars & Trucks

Tips for Avoiding Glare When Driving

August 10, 2022. Andrew Sheldon

The glare from the sun can cause a serious safety risk to drivers. Here’s how to deal with it.

Auto Loans

Minor Car Damage Repairs That Can Cost You Major

November 17, 2021. Andrew Sheldon

Minor car damage may seem like an easy fix, but that’s not always the case. Small issues could lead to bigger problems if ignored or not properly taken care of.