Tag: hazard lights

Cars & Trucks

What Are Your Dashboard Lights Trying To Tell You?

October 22, 2024. Sarah Hopkins

How to decode the common symbols cars use to communicate with drivers.

Cars & Trucks

Safe Driving Tips for Hazardous Conditions

October 03, 2024. Andrew Sheldon

Driving is so routine, it’s easy to let safety slip your mind. These tips will help you navigate dangerous roads and other questionable conditions.

Auto Insurance

What To Do When You Get Sideswiped

October 01, 2024. Andrew Sheldon

Minor collisions can cause major damage. Here’s how to handle a sideswipe situation and how insurance can help.

Auto Insurance

What to Do After a Car Crash

August 16, 2023. AAA Staff

Car crashes can be a little less stressful if you’re prepared. Learn what to do with these tips from AAA.

Cars & Trucks

Gas Pedal Sticking: What To Do and How To Prevent It

July 28, 2023. Nicole Wakelin

A gas pedal sticking to the floor can be a scary situation. Knowing these steps can help you stop the car and get off the road safely.

Road Trips

What Happens If You Crash Your Rental Car?

September 18, 2020. Nicole Wakelin

There are a few important additional steps that need to be taken after a rental car crash to ensure the process goes smoothly.

Cars & Trucks

Bounce Back From Pothole Damage

March 08, 2017. Roberto Cruz

AAA estimates pothole damage costs U.S. drivers $3 billion in vehicle repairs each year. Minimize their effect on your car and learn how to bounce back after you hit one with this advice from AAA’s Car Doctor John Paul. Slow your Roll The best way to avoid a pothole is to swerve around it, but…