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Tag: Ford F-150 Lightning

Electric Vehicles

The New Tailgate Party: Frunkgating

October 29, 2024. Ellen R. Delisio

Your EV’s front trunk or ‘frunk’ can be the perfect tailgating partner.


In the Rearview: AAA Northeast’s 2023 Highlights

December 27, 2023. Aimee Carrier

A look back at AAA Northeast’s community activities and other notable achievements.

Electric Vehicles

EVs: The Heavier the Load, the Shorter the Trip

June 06, 2023. AAA Staff

AAA research reveals Ford F-150 Lightning range falls with heavy loads.

Cars & Trucks

What Is Horsepower? Common Car Terms Explained

June 15, 2022. Andrew Sheldon

You’ve heard these automotive terms since you first got behind the wheel. But do you really know what they mean?