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Tag: Emergency


Meet Your Financial Resolutions This Year

January 15, 2025. Ellen R. Delisio

Whether you are hoping to make a big purchase, pay off debts or save for unexpected expenses, here’s how you can work toward your money goals.

Homeowner's Insurance

Stay Safe and Warm During a Winter Power Outage

January 13, 2025. AAA Staff

Steps you can take to stay warm if you lose power this winter.


Arctic Outbreak to Bring Frigid Conditions That Can Wreak Havoc on Vehicles

January 06, 2025. Jillian Young

AAA offers guidance drivers should know before hitting the road.

Homeowner's Insurance

Insurance Resolutions for the New Year

January 04, 2025. AAA Staff

Start the year off right by resolving to continue to get the most out of your insurance coverage.

Cars & Trucks

Stay Safe With Winter Driving Tips From AAA

November 20, 2024. AAA Staff

A guide to keep you safe on the roads this season.

Homeowner's Insurance & Money

The Worst Hurricanes in US History

November 11, 2024. Sarah Vincelette

From catastrophic loss of life to the unprecedented destruction of property, these hurricanes have left an indelible mark on the nation’s collective memory.

Road Trips

Car Rental Safety Tips

November 01, 2024. Ellen R. Delisio

How to prepare and take precautions before driving an unfamiliar rental car.


Four Essential Steps to Elevate Your Finances in Your 20s

October 25, 2024. AAA Staff

By Kristen Bednarczyk

Homeowner's Insurance

Storm Explainer: Storm Categories and More

October 11, 2024. Marisa Perjatel

Do you know your “watch” from your “warning”? Find out in this guide to storm categories and other meteorologist lingo.

Cars & Trucks

Safe Driving Tips for Hazardous Conditions

October 03, 2024. Andrew Sheldon

Driving is so routine, it’s easy to let safety slip your mind. These tips will help you navigate dangerous roads and other questionable conditions.

Homeowner's Insurance

How To Deal With an Unexpected Pet Emergency

September 11, 2024. Sarah Vincelette

Having a plan in place can help you keep calm and get your pet the help it needs right away.

Cars & Trucks

The Safest Cars for Teens and New Drivers

September 06, 2024. AAA Staff

It’s all about safety when it comes to choosing a car for a new driver. Here are some of the top choices.

Cars & Trucks & Roadside Services

What to Do When Your Car Breaks Down

September 03, 2024. AAA Staff

Issues that bring your vehicle to a halt can be pretty stressful. Be prepared with help from AAA.

Cars & Trucks

Stop Driving in Flip-Flops

July 23, 2024. Ellen R. Delisio

Flip flops and other backless sandals are perfect for summer – just not for summer driving. Closed shoes are safest.

Homeowner's Insurance

Get Your Pet Disaster Preparedness Plan Ready

July 12, 2024. Marisa Perjatel

Pet disaster preparedness tips to keep your animals safe and protected in the event of a hurricane evacuation or other emergency.

Homeowner's Insurance

Home Safe: Backyard Liabilities to Consider This Summer

June 25, 2024. Sarah Vincelette

How to avoid common hazards associated with everyday backyard equipment and activities.

Cars & Trucks

Summer Driving Safety Tips From AAA

June 20, 2024. AAA Staff

Drive smart while enjoying all the road trips and weekend adventures in store this season.

Homeowner's Insurance

Backyard Fire Pit Safety Tips

June 12, 2024. AAA Staff

Late nights around the fire are what summer memories are made of. Don’t forget the safety of your loved ones.


How Much to Put Down on a House

June 03, 2024. Ellen R. Delisio

Down payments for homes can vary widely, so start with a budget for mortgage and settling in costs.