Tag: delorean


Crossword: Independence Day

July 02, 2024. AAA Staff

Celebrate America’s birthday with our Independence Day crossword.

Cars & Trucks

10 of the Most Famous Movie Cars

March 09, 2023. Andrew Sheldon

There are iconic characters, enduring songs and classic quotes, but often, it’s the set of wheels that steals the scene in movies.

Auto History

The Worst Cars in History

March 07, 2023. Andrew Sheldon

Design fails. Cheap manufacturing. Unorganized management. For one reason or another, these go down in history for all the wrong reasons.


A Car Movies List for the Ages

April 16, 2021. Dallas Ernst

In these movies, cars aren’t merely eye candy; they help carry the film.

Cars & Trucks

DeLorean and Other Replicas Getting Back on the Road

January 28, 2021. Andrew Sheldon

A new federal ruling allows for the production and sale of a limited number of replica cars.


Crossword: ’80s Movies

June 25, 2020. AAA Staff

You’ll find a DeLorean time machine, plenty of hair gel and the best blockbusters in our ’80s crossword puzzle.

Cars & Trucks

Unique Car Clubs Throughout the Country

September 18, 2019. Nicole Wakelin

Car clubs allow owners to bond, reminisce and flat-out enjoy their beloved set of wheels with like-minded car connoisseurs.