Tag: Connecticut
The Tastiest Northeast Food Destinations
July 31, 2018. Sarah Hopkins
When you’re going on a trip, sometimes the best thing to do is to follow your stomach. In recent years, food tourism has become more and more popular, but you don’t have to go to a far-flung locale to taste something amazing. There’s tasty, unique food around every corner right here in the Northeast. In…
Big and Outrageous: The Best Casinos Worldwide
July 04, 2018. Donna Heiderstadt
We look at the largest, craziest, most elaborate places to place a bet.
Rediscover New England With Mystic, Connecticut, Getaways
June 22, 2018. Jill Fergus
Mystic is the perfect place for coastal Connecticut getaways that the whole family can enjoy. Here’s how to make it work with whatever budget you have.
AAA Urges You Not To Drive Intexticated
June 15, 2018. AAA Staff
A father is driving with his three children in the back seat. His left hand is firmly on the steering wheel while his right hand is gripping a beer bottle. Shocking, right? But would you be as shocked if the same man was holding a phone instead? Distracted driving can be as devastating as driving…
Students Share Winning Traffic Safety Messages
June 15, 2018. AAA Staff
More than 3,000 students did their part to help protect cyclists, pedestrians, drivers and passengers through AAA Northeast’s 2018 Traffic Safety Poster and Video Contest. Students in kindergarten through 12th grade in Connecticut, Massachusetts, New York and Rhode Island submitted entries. Their creations touched on pedestrian, bicycle and school bus safety, distracted driving, child passenger…
102 National Park Attractions
May 25, 2018. Roberto Cruz
Go big with a vacation to an amazing U.S. national park.
R.I. Ban on Hand-Held Devices Now in Effect
May 14, 2018. AAA Staff
Drivers talking on hand-held phones in Rhode Island can be ticketed by police and fined up to a $100.
AAA, State Leaders Highlight R.I. Hands-Free Law
May 09, 2018. AAA Staff
AAA Northeast leaders joined elected officials, legislators, traffic safety advocates and police officers at the club’s Providence, R.I., headquarters to highlight Rhode Island’s new ban on drivers using hand-held cellphones.
Live a Healthier Life
April 24, 2018. AAA Staff
Eat better, stay active and reduce stress with the helpful tips inside this free guide from Your AAA.
Add Another Driver to Your Car Rental
March 15, 2018. Sarah Hopkins
Whether you’re headed out on a long adventure or just want a little company, adding another driver to your rental car is a simple process when you are prepared.
Best New England Day Trips for Couples
March 01, 2018. AAA Staff
From hiking and kayaking to dining on farm-to-table delicacies, the New England states offer many tempting ways for couples to spend the day together.

AAA Leads Teen Driving Safety Efforts
February 21, 2018. John Galvin
Helping teens learn to drive safely is one of the most important missions we have at AAA. Why? Because motor vehicle crashes are the leading cause of death for teens in the U.S. At AAA, our commitment to helping teens drive safely dates to the 1940s. That was the start of our successful driver training…
AAA Recognizes Safe Rides Group and Police Officers in Connecticut
December 18, 2017. AAA Staff
High school students in Wilton don’t have to worry about how to get home on Friday or Saturday nights. Since 2013, Wilton Safe Rides has given thousands of teenagers easy and anonymous access to safe, free transportation. Dozens of volunteers help operate the student-run group, which gives free rides home to high school students who…

Fun Places to Visit in the Northeast
August 15, 2017. AAA Staff
The Northeast is packed with amazing destinations and towns within driving distance of both New York and Boston. This guide will hit the 202 best drive trips within two hours of those great cities. From the tip of Long Island to the curved arm of Cape Cod, to the coastal gems in Maine, including Acadia…
Fun Places to Visit in the Northeast: 202 Road Trips from New York and Boston
August 03, 2017. AAA Staff
In the Northeast, you’re surrounded by hundreds of incredible places to visit, sights to see, fun activities to enjoy – all within easy driving distance from wherever you live.
Slow Down: Lives Are on the Line
August 01, 2017. AAA Staff
Slow down, move over laws vary slightly by state. Learn about your state’s specific law and keep emergency responders safe at the roadside.
Impress With Recipes From AAA Diamond Rated Restaurants
July 01, 2017. Nick Tavares
Concoct expertly crafted dishes in your home with the help of AAA Diamond Rated restaurants. These recipes will ensure you three courses of fancy summer fare. 1. A fresh start Start sophisticated with the Champagne mango salad created by chef Jean Georges Vongerichten for his AAA Five Diamond Rated, self-titled restaurant in New York City….
Gardening Resources to Help Boost Your Blooms
April 01, 2017. Dana Laverty
Spring is here! In the Northeast, many of us just can’t wait to get our hands in the dirt and play in the garden. Whether you’re the kind of gardener who starts with seeds or you just dabble in the occasional potted plant, we’ve got great gardening resources to help you cultivate your green thumb…
Hoof to It This Spring on the Best Hikes in the Northeast
March 08, 2017. Dana Laverty
Need to stretch your legs after that long winter? Lace up your hiking boots and check out some of the best hikes in the Northeast. Easy Alley Pond Park Queens, New York The second-largest park in Queens has several trails that wind through forest, and along ponds and a salt marsh. Saunter on the Tulip…