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Tag: Catalytic converter

Cars & Trucks

Stay Safe With Winter Driving Tips From AAA

November 20, 2024. AAA Staff

A guide to keep you safe on the roads this season.

Auto Insurance

Fall Driving Tips

October 07, 2024. AAA Staff

Fall weather can be unpredictable. Prepare yourself and your vehicle for wet leaves, fog and more.

Cars & Trucks

The Most Stolen Cars in America

July 24, 2024. AAA Staff

Is your car among the most likely to catch a thief’s eye? New data reveals the top stolen vehicles in the country.

Auto Insurance

Why Are Catalytic Converters Stolen?

June 04, 2024. Andrew Sheldon

Catalytic converter theft is skyrocketing across the country. Here’s why thieves are after these valuable car parts and what you can do to prevent yours from getting heisted.