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Tag: car crash

Auto Insurance

How to File an Insurance Claim After a Car Crash

January 03, 2025. Vanessa Young

Avoid extra stress and confusion after a crash with this guide on how to file an insurance claim.

Auto Insurance

What To Do When You Get Sideswiped

October 01, 2024. Andrew Sheldon

Minor collisions can cause major damage. Here’s how to handle a sideswipe situation and how insurance can help.

Auto Insurance

How Do Insurance Companies Determine Fault?

August 06, 2024. Sarah Vincelette

Learn how fault is determined after a car crash, and what you can do to make the claims process as smooth as possible.

Air Travel

All-Access Travel: Accessible Travel Destinations and Solutions

July 02, 2024. Jenna Pelletier

As travelers with disabilities hit the road in record numbers, the tourism industry is blazing a new trail in accessible travel.

Cars & Trucks

Tips for Driving in the Rain and Other Springtime Advice

March 27, 2024. AAA Staff

Cautious driving and proper car care are important aspects of staying safe in the rain.

Auto Insurance

What to Do After a Car Crash

August 16, 2023. AAA Staff

Car crashes can be a little less stressful if you’re prepared. Learn what to do with these tips from AAA.

Cars & Trucks

What Causes Traffic Jams?

April 21, 2023. Andrew Sheldon

A small tap on the brakes can be all that’s needed to start a traffic jam. Here’s what causes congestion and how you can best avoid it.

Cars & Trucks

Everything You Need to Know About Car Recalls

March 03, 2023. Andrew Sheldon

Car recalls occur all the time. But how do you know if your vehicle has been recalled? And what do you do next?

Cars & Trucks

New York’s New Seat Belt Law Takes Effect on Nov. 1

October 29, 2020. Andrew Sheldon

The new law requires passengers 16 and older to wear a seat belt in the back seat of a vehicle.

Road Trips

What Happens If You Crash Your Rental Car?

September 18, 2020. Nicole Wakelin

There are a few important additional steps that need to be taken after a rental car crash to ensure the process goes smoothly.

Cars & Trucks

Rhode Island Legislators, Police Officers Lauded for Traffic Safety Efforts

December 18, 2017. AAA Staff

A single organization cannot improve traffic safety by itself. It takes the commitment of many stakeholders statewide, including traffic safety advocates, police officers, lawmakers and others. In November, AAA Northeast celebrated those efforts during the club’s annual AAA Community Traffic Safety Awards luncheon in Providence. Rhode Island Senate President Dominick Ruggerio and House of Representatives…

Cars & Trucks

Top Teen Driving Tips from a Teen Expert

April 01, 2017. Roberto Cruz

Four years ago, Shelby Fix, The Car Coach 2.0, lost a friend in a car crash that involved texting while driving. “It really hit home,” said Shelby, the daughter of The Car Coach Lauren Fix, a nationally recognized automotive expert. Because April is Distracted Driving Awareness Month, Your AAA caught up with Shelby, who has…