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Tag: autopilot

Cars & Trucks

Drivers Still Fearful of Self-Driving Vehicles

March 28, 2024. Ellen R. Delisio

AAA research shows that while drivers remain skeptical about self-driving cars, they may be overly confident in the capability of automated vehicle safety features.

Cars & Trucks

The Future of Self-Driving Cars

January 31, 2023. Andrew Sheldon

Autonomous vehicles are already on the road, but don’t expect to be able to buy one any time soon.

Cars & Trucks

Be Vigilant About Gas Station Safety

January 20, 2023. Andrew Sheldon

Being frightened at the pump is usually due to scary-high prices. But gas station crime is a serious issue. Here’s how to stay safe.

Electric Vehicles

Thinking of Buying a Tesla? Here’s What You Should Know

July 12, 2022. Andrew Sheldon

Tesla cars are the most popular electric vehicles on the road, but is one right for you?

Cars & Trucks

Using Autonomous Car Features in Winter Weather

January 12, 2021. John Paul

Autonomous car features can fail in inclement weather, underlining the importance of always staying alert while driving.


Automated Driving Terminology Causes Driver Confusion

April 21, 2019. Andrew Sheldon

AAA study shows that four-in-10 Americans misjudge partially-automated driving systems’ abilities based on names such as Autopilot and Pilot Assist.


To Autonomy and Beyond! The Latest on New Technology in the Auto Industry

December 23, 2018. Peter Vey

With innovative new technology being unveiled with every updated model, cars are getting smarter every year.

Health & Fitness

Live a Healthier Life

April 24, 2018. AAA Staff

Eat better, stay active and reduce stress with the helpful tips inside this free guide from Your AAA.

Credit Cards

5 Smart Ways to Build Savings for Your Most Important Life Events

January 22, 2018. Joanna Cutrara

Everything you need to know about how to build savings for your next vacation, celebration or major life event.


What’s Trending: Exciting New Technology for Travel, Cars and More

December 29, 2017. AAA Staff

Technology gets cooler and more advanced each and every day. Get the scoop on the latest high-tech accessories for travel, cars and your home.