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Tag: automated driving

Cars & Trucks

Drivers Still Fearful of Self-Driving Vehicles

March 28, 2024. Ellen R. Delisio

AAA research shows that while drivers remain skeptical about self-driving cars, they may be overly confident in the capability of automated vehicle safety features.

Electric Vehicles

The 2022 Electric Vehicles to Get Excited About

November 29, 2021. Andrew Sheldon

From reimagined classics to unprecedentedly efficient sedans, the electric vehicle class of 2022 has something for everyone.

Cars & Trucks

Researchers Look at How ADHD Affects Young Drivers

October 06, 2020. Andrew Sheldon

The study examines whether automated driving technology can help or harm young drivers with ADHD.


Automated Driving Terminology Causes Driver Confusion

April 21, 2019. Andrew Sheldon

AAA study shows that four-in-10 Americans misjudge partially-automated driving systems’ abilities based on names such as Autopilot and Pilot Assist.