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Department: Auto Safety

Road Trips

Make Way for Wildlife

August 20, 2018. AAA Staff

Why did the chicken cross the road? Probably for the same reason as the deer, or the turtle, or the turkey, or the squirrel, or the chipmunk, or the possum, or the moose. Drivers share the road with a whole host of furry and feathered friends, sometimes with tragic results. Animal-vehicle collisions killed more than…

Auto Insurance

Follow These Tips To Help Keep Teens Safe Behind The Wheel

July 19, 2018. AAA Staff

Teaching your teenager to drive can be intimidating, especially if it’s your first time. Follow these tips to ease your anxiety. They’re from Keys2Drive – the AAA Guide to Teen Driver Safety. Practice, practice, practice. Plan for as much supervised practice driving as possible. It’s the key to helping your teen develop safe habits. AAA…

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Cars & Trucks & Life

AAA Helps Publicize Rhode Island’s Hand-Held Ban

June 15, 2018. AAA Staff

AAA Northeast leaders joined state officials, legislators, traffic safety advocates and police officers at the club’s Providence headquarters in May to bring attention to Rhode Island’s new ban on hand-held wireless communication devices while driving. Drivers who violate the law, which took effect June 1, face fines of up to $100. To help drivers adapt…

Cars & Trucks

Teaching Young Drivers the Rules of the Road

June 15, 2018. Cassandra Raposo

AAA driving instructors point out the most common mistakes that new drivers make and how to avoid them. Joining locations throughout the Northeast, AAA’s newest driving school is opening in Garden City, N.Y., on August 13.


AAA Urges You Not To Drive Intexticated

June 15, 2018. AAA Staff

A father is driving with his three children in the back seat. His left hand is firmly on the steering wheel while his right hand is gripping a beer bottle. Shocking, right? But would you be as shocked if the same man was holding a phone instead? Distracted driving can be as devastating as driving…


New Jersey Student Share Traffic Safety Messages

June 15, 2018. AAA Staff

Seven local students earned first-place awards for their artwork in the annual AAA Traffic Safety Poster & Video Contest. Students were judged in several grade categories and competed against students from across New Jersey. Winners included: Kindergarten Sean Corcoran, Academy of Our Lady of Grace, Fairview Primary (Grades 1-2) Miah Ovando, first grade, Academy of…


Students Share Winning Traffic Safety Messages

June 15, 2018. AAA Staff

More than 3,000 students did their part to help protect cyclists, pedestrians, drivers and passengers through AAA Northeast’s 2018 Traffic Safety Poster and Video Contest. Students in kindergarten through 12th grade in Connecticut, Massachusetts, New York and Rhode Island submitted entries. Their creations touched on pedestrian, bicycle and school bus safety, distracted driving, child passenger…

Cars & Trucks

Approach Road Construction Zones With Caution

May 14, 2018. AAA Staff

Summer is a busy time for road construction, and AAA reminds motorists to use caution when approaching and driving through work zones. Plan Ahead Check for planned work-zone delays and traffic advisories and allow extra travel time. Visit state department of transportation websites for the latest road travel information and to help plan alternative routes….

Cars & Trucks

R.I. Ban on Hand-Held Devices Now in Effect

May 14, 2018. AAA Staff

Drivers talking on hand-held phones in Rhode Island can be ticketed by police and fined up to a $100.

Cars & Trucks

Distracted Drivers Make Everyone’s Commutes Slower

May 14, 2018. AAA Staff

The next time you’re a few minutes late for work, you could blame it on distracted drivers. After all, the excuse is backed by science. Distracted drivers can slow down commutes by as much as 10 percent, according to David Strayer, a cognitive neuroscientist at the University of Utah. His research for the AAA Foundation…