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Department: Back to School

Health & Fitness

Top 10 Ways to Stay Focused in School

August 05, 2018. Ashley Richardson

Use these 10 tips and tricks to stay focused both in and outside the classroom.


10 Tips for Tackling Your College Commute

July 17, 2018.

Suggestions to save money, time and headaches as a college commuter.

North American Tours

College Road Trips: Places to See on Your College Search

August 01, 2017. Kim Foley MacKinnon

There’s hardly a parent with a teenager contemplating college that hasn’t hit the road to visit potential schools. From simple afternoon visits to more complicated college road trips, it’s wise to book some noncollege-oriented activities to offset some of the pressure. After all, when both you and your child are deciding their future for the…


10 Ways to Supplement Your Child’s Education

July 31, 2017. Dana Laverty

How to supplement your curious child’s education at home – and have fun at the same time.


10 Ways to Help Your Kids Get Through School Stress

July 31, 2017. Christina Elston

Try these strategies if you feel like your child could use some help juggling priorities or coping with school stress.


10 Things to Look For in a Private School

July 31, 2017. Roberto Cruz

Selecting a school for a child is one of the most important decisions a family makes. For those with the means to pay for education, private elementary schools and secondary schools regularly offer smaller class sizes, a more flexible curriculum and religious studies. A report from EducationNext, a scholarly journal published by Stanford University, also…

Health & Fitness & Life

10 Ways to Avoid College Weight Gain

July 31, 2017. AAA Staff

It’s common to put on a few pounds when you first start college. Follow these tips to avoid the dreaded freshman 15.

Health & Fitness

10 Things to Know About High School Sports

July 31, 2017. AAA Staff

So, your son or daughter wants to play high school sports. Whether this is your child’s first foray into athletics or the latest step in a career that began with T-ball, here’s what you should know.


10 Ways to Make the Most of Your Parent-Teacher Conference

July 31, 2017. Christina Elston

The parent-teacher conference is a rare opportunity to sit down for one-on-one time with your child’s teacher. They are a chance for a two-way discussion of your child’s progress that goes far beyond test scores and report cards. They also offer an opportunity to establish a partnership with the teacher so that you can work…

Home & Life

10 Considerations When Choosing a Preschool

July 31, 2017. AAA Staff

Spend enough time with toddlers, and they’ll surprise you. Sometimes, it’s by using an unexpected word or phrase. Other times, it’s by running, jumping or climbing with unexpected skill. These acts demonstrate the impressive growth occurring during a child’s earliest years. What children learn, and how, during this period can have lifelong effects. That may…