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Merging Into Life Podcast: Insurance 101

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Insurance 101: Understanding the basics.

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Ever feel lost in a maze of insurance jargon? Relax, we’ve got you covered!

In this episode of Merging Into Life, we peel back the layers of the sometimes confusing world of insurance with industry experts Emily Buckley and Brad Ferris. From unraveling the mysteries of umbrella insurance to nailing down how much life coverage you actually need, let the pros guide you.

Plus, the inside scoop on getting the best renewal rates, vehicles that are a breeze to insure, and surprising truths about renters insurance that could save you big.

When it comes to protecting your world, knowledge is power. Listen now for information you can use!

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[2:41] – What is umbrella insurance?
[6:47] – Breaking down renters insurance
[11:20] – Different types of insurance and insurance myths
[16:55] – Can you claim it? Coverage for different scenarios


Amanda Greene: So, my husband and I were chatting while we were cleaning up dinner the other night, and I took my rings off to wash some pots and pans that couldn’t go in the dishwasher. After I was done, I went to go put my rings back on, and I dropped my engagement ring in the sink as the water was going down the drain. My heart stopped, but thankfully I was able to grab the ring before it swirled down. It did make me wonder though, am I even covered if my ring gets lost? I think so, but not with really any confidence. That’s the thing with insurance. I have some, but I think it is time I dig a little deeper.

Welcome to Merging Into Life, where we navigate life’s milestones one episode at a time, brought to you by AAA Northeast. I’m your host, Amanda Greene. Today, we’re talking about all things insurance, umbrella, life, car, annuity. I didn’t even really know what that was until today, but I promise you this won’t be a lecture on what you should have done, or a huge downer imagining all the things that can go wrong, because this is something that can bring peace of mind when you do it right.

Now, before we dive in, we want to mention that though our guests in this episode are offering us some great expert insight, conditions vary from state to state and person to person. You should always remember to check how this advice applies to your situation with your insurance carrier.

With that being said, today, I have two guests who, when it comes to insurance, they’ve got you covered. They’re going to guide us through what we need, how to approach it, and what insurance really brings you, because it’s all about building a safety net for you and the people you love. First, I’d like you to meet Emily Buckley.


Contact a AAA Insurance Agent

AAA Jewelry Insurance

Understanding Umbrella Insurance

Insuring Engagement Rings and Expensive Gifts

Term vs. Whole Life Insurance: What Is the Difference?

6 Myths About Life Insurance You Probably Believe

Why Life Insurance Through Work Isnā€™t Enough

What Is an Income Annuity?

The Ins and Outs of Hurricane Insurance Deductibles

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