how do potholes form

U.S. Infrastructure Receives a C- Grade

The American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) gave America’s infrastructure a C- grade in its latest report card. While not an impressive mark, the C- grade is actually the highest score the country’s infrastructure has received in 20 years. Previously, it received a D+ in 2017.

The report grade, released every four years, rates every part of America’s infrastructure system including roads, bridges, energy, rail, transit and aviation. Overall, 11 of the 17 categories received a grade in the D range, including transit, which had the worst mark of D-. On the opposite end of the spectrum, rail received the highest grade with a B. Five category grades — aviation, drinking water, energy, inland waterways, and ports — went up, while just one category — bridges — went down. The grading includes several measurements in its methodology, including condition, capacity, safety, and innovation.

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The ASCE estimates that the U.S. will need to invest nearly $2.6 trillion over the next decade to maintain a state of good repair and earn a grade of B. This echoes the sentiments expressed by Rhode Island Senator Jack Reed when he sat with AAA recently. “We do have to have a big infrastructure package,” Reed said. “We’ve been working at it slowly but we do need a bigger, more intense program.”

Failure to properly fund infrastructure improvements will cost the public down the road. According to the ASCE, “By 2039, America’s overdue infrastructure bill will cost the average American household $3,300 a year, or $63 a week.

The ASCE the country’s oldest national civil engineering organization, represents more than 150,000 civil engineers in private practice, government, industry, and academia.

What do you think of the infrastructure in your area? Let us know in the comments below.

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17 Thoughts on “U.S. Infrastructure Receives a C- Grade

  1. Massachusetts roads are some of the worst in the nation. Whenever part of a street is dug up for utility work, e contractors just patch and fix, rather than re-pave the street properly. I’ve driven in the other New England states and around the Southwest, and their roads are not like here. The gravel roads in the backcountry around Moab, Utah are better than some of the roads in Mass.

  2. Oh boy…I agree with everyone above! Patching Holes and ruts are supposed to be done yearly! I think the Transit Authority forgets we live in a 4 season state – particularly WINTER. NO HOLES OR RUTS have been filled in, especially on the side roads, let alone the MASS Pike for YEARS! What do our EXCISE TAXES go to – politician pockets-no doubt?!!! ANOTHER PET PEEVE- Can’t they find paint for the lines that should be on every road East of Framingham???? This has gone on for YEARS….winter is of course the worst because you can’t see the lines on the Pike – before, during or after a snowstorm. I could go on and on, but I’m NOT holding my breath that anything will be done NOW.
    Please send this to Governor Baker along with President Biden!

  3. Our national priorities are askew, interventions in countries around the world, U.S. personal stationed abroad instead employed at home, an economy based on speculation and aack of political will to change things until we hit an absolute crisis, an educational system hijacked by experts who don’t understand the physical economy are to blame.

  4. Who are they kidding. NY roads are close to what third world roads were. Patch on patch extremely dangerous to drive on. We have some of the worst roads in the world. State parks roads are undriveable in many areas. Glacier for one! I did not publish this before. Let’s get the truth out.! I have driven every country in Europe NZ, Australia, etc. and USA has one of the world’s worst roads period! R l

  5. A friend got off the LIE (I495) in Nassau County and while still on the exit ramp hit a pothole with at just the right angle/speed that he blew his tire out. Good news for him was the gas station at the end of the ramp where he was told he wasn’t the first that day. A few days later, again, but this time somewhere in Queens. I don’t recall the road. I personally have hit a few potholes on the Cross Island Parkway but was fortunate to not have a blowout.
    It would also help if the state/city would use highly reflective paint for the lane markings and also ensure that all the roadway lamps are functioning. Too many of them are not, which makes it even tougher to spot those holes.

  6. What a joke calling new york the Empire State. We have the worst roads in the new world.what are they spending our tax dollars on?

  7. New York probably spends more per mile on road maintenance than most or all of the northeast states. Fuel taxes were supposed to pay for road maintenance in perpetuity and road bonds have been long paid off, yet the cost escalates as condition deteriorates. The inconvenient truth is that previously dedicated road funds are diverted to other politically popular projects and confiscated by public labor unions. If you want better roads, leave New York, nothing will change.

  8. Long Island roads are ridiculously bad. All the potholes they fill don’t last. A lot of asphalt over concrete is just peeling away. Real disaster.

    1. I don’t know what you mean by my comment is awaiting moderation. New York roads suck and we pay the highest taxes in the country!

  9. The C Grad it’s not in NY, particularly in Long Island where the roads don’t deserve more than a F Grade. The Long Island Expressway (495) looks like a third world road. Driving on 495 is an adventure. Drivers spend more time zigzagging and keeping their eyes on the asphalt than paying attention to the traffic to avoid falling in on of the big path holes. It’s sad seeing cars on the shoulder with flat tires and broken rims. And it’s not 1 or 2 cars. It’s a good amount of cars.
    Buy the way, who should pay for the damages in those cars? The State, the County or the contractor that build the roads? And don’t tell me that is because of the heavy traffic because it’s not true. When you drive west on 495 and you enter in Queens borough the roads change drastically for the better comparing with Nassau and Suffolk.
    Fix the roads please. We pay so much taxes. It’s not enough to repair the roads the right way?

    1. Not only 495 but the Southern State as well!!! UGH! I live in Queens and I DREAD the day when I have to drive out to the island. My daily driver is a BMW Z4 so you know that I am feeling every one of those craters! You Can’t even switch lanes on the SS with hitting one. The company they used to pave those roads should be sued!

  10. Mianus river bridge back in 80s or 90s should have been a wake up call. Bridges still recieving a d grade. Unacceptable

  11. How to you think our Federal Legislators going to get the $2.6 Trillion to pay for road infrastructure improvements? Probably from the same place they’ll get they’ll get the funding for the FY 2020 Deficit of $3.1 trillion, the Stimulus Spending of $2.6 trillion, the Stimulus Tax Relief of $900 billion, and the Next Stimulus Proposal of $1.8 to $2.2 trillion. And, that will be from the American Taxpayer!

  12. The road conditions in NJ (just outside of NYC) are atrocious, especially after this winter. There are potholes the size of craters that you could literally fall into and cause serious damage to your car. To make matters worse, a police officer will pull you over for “driving drunk” while swerving to avoid potholes. This is one of the most expensive places to live with very high taxes, so it is completely unacceptable that these road conditions exist. Also, a few years ago, NJ instituted a gas tax of about 27 cents which was supposed to be used for road improvement projects. Gas prices literally went up overnight by that amount. Yet the same potholes have been there for the past 13 years that I have lived in my town. Just goes to show how corrupt the NJ government is.

  13. Most facets in my area are poor. Both state and local roads are TERRIBLE! Riddled with potholes, pour drainage is causing the pavement to fail prematurely. Bridges need replacement, specifically the two bridges that span Cape Cod Canal, and the New Bedford – Fairhaven swing bridge built in 1897!! Rail service is lacking; a link from New Bedford to Boston has been in the planning stage for 10 years, still nothing. Sewer systems in the area are marginal or failing (Marion MA) and the cost of domestic water has sky-rocketed. I blame the Commonwealth of MA for most of this. The cost per mile for road maintenance is the highest in the country due to gov. regs and police / construction unions. Just plain poor management….

    1. I agree. Same with areas like Newton MA and surrounding towns and cities. Deplorable and frustrating. Infrastructure is overlooked too often

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