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Nalea Ko

Articles by Nalea Ko

grocery shopping tips to save money

Grocery Shopping Tips to Save Money

Are you paying more than you have to at the grocery store?

rainy day fund

Why You Should Have a Rainy Day Fund

Things don’t always go the way you expect them to. Learn how to build your rainy day fund and be financially prepared for when an emergency occurs.

how to negotiate a cable bill

How to Negotiate a Cable Bill

You don’t have to settle for cable, internet and phone bill hikes. We’ve gathered tips to help you learn when and how to negotiate a cable bill to save money.

paying for college

Saving and Paying for College

Learn how to plan ahead, so you can save enough money to cover college tuition, room and board, and course materials.

savings plan

How to Set Up a Budget and Stick to Your Savings Plan

Get back to budgeting basics! Follow these helpful tips to successfully develop a strong savings plan and avoid temptations.

money saving tips for college students

Money Saving Tips for College Students

Learn how you can reduce the financial burden of paying for college with these helpful money saving tips for college students.

savings accounts

Bank Knowledge About Savings Accounts

It seems simple, but growing your personal savings is not easy. Find out how to decide what account works best for you.

personal savings

How to Manage Your Personal Savings

Learn how to increase your savings and find the best personal savings account.

clipping coupons for extra savings

Coupon Your Way to Extreme Savings

Give your savings plan a huge boost with these couponing tips from budgeting experts.

writing out meal plans

How Meal Plans Can Help You Save Money

Savings plans get a whole lot easier when you set a budget and stick to it.

fun money saving tips

Count Cash With These Fun Money Saving Tips

Cutting expenses doesn’t have to be a total drag. Plan your next money move with the tips in this helpful guide.

Laundry and piggy bank

Money Saving Tips for New Parents

Money can be tight when you add another mouth to feed. Fortunately, there are some tricks to parenting on a budget.

saving for retirement

Tips For Seniors Saving For Retirement

Are you saving enough money for retirement? Learn more about retirement savings plans and discounts for seniors.

warehouse store with pallets full of products

Net Big Savings By Buying in Bulk

Find out how to stretch your budget and avoid the common pitfalls of bulk shopping.