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Andrew Sheldon

Articles by Andrew Sheldon

find a tow truck

Find a Tow Truck Anytime, Anywhere

Don’t wait until you’re stranded on the side of the road. Learn what to do if you need a tow, including where to find a tow truck near you.

marriage proposal

Great Marriage Proposal Sites in the Northeast

The Northeast is filled with romantic, scenic and breath-taking locations to drop to one knee.

romantic road trip

Romantic Road Trips in the Northeast

A couple’s getaway is always a good idea and the Northeast has no shortage of romantic road trip destinations.

black pioneers of auto

The Black Pioneers of the Automotive Industry

Whether breaking color barriers or inventing critical safety features, these are some of the Black pioneers that revolutionized the car world.

important financial dates

Important Financial Dates For 2024

You likely already know that Tax Day is April 15, but here are a few other important financial dates to know in 2024.

cars for winter driving

5 Great Cars for Winter Driving

These cars are well-equipped to take on winter weather safely and in style.

nissan versa

The Cheapest New Cars of 2024

A great vehicle for less than $20,000? Believe it. The cheapest new cars of 2024 deliver more than you might expect for the price.

hearse history

The History of Hearses

Hearse history has seen these vehicles go from candle-adorned carriages to six-figure luxury behemoths.

electric vehicle maintenance

Electric Vehicle Maintenance 101

Though routine car care is still important, fewer moving parts makes for fewer maintenance concerns with EVs.

housing for retirees

5 Popular Housing Options for Retirees

With the increased need of daily assistance and medical care, choosing the right housing is critical for retirees.

are evs safe

Are Electric Vehicles Safe?

With safety ratings and studies to back it up, EVs are proving to be as safe as, if not safer than, traditional gas-powered vehicles.

back to school shopping

How to Save on Back-to-School Shopping

Shopping for school supplies can add up fast. Here’s how to save on everything from pencils to laptops.

pgs championship golf courses

8 PGA Championship Golf Courses in the Northeast

Want to play where the pros play? These golf courses have all hosted the PGA Championship.

northeast island vacation

5 Northeast Island Vacations

They may not be tropical, but these Northeast islands vacations are just as relaxing and only a drive away.

car idioms

The Origins of Popular Car Idioms and Expressions

Turns of phrase are a dime a dozen. But for our money, car idioms take the cake. Learn how these expressions came to be.

iconic football

9 Iconic Football Games Played in the Northeast

The region has hosted many of the most iconic football games ever played, dating back to the 1800s.

Auto paint colors

Why Are Popular Car Colors So Boring? A Brief History of Car Paint

The most common car colors have gone from all the luminous colors of the rainbow to a mix of black, white and gray. Here’s why.

hot wheels

The Extraordinary History of Hot Wheels

A half-century ago, 16 Hot Wheels arrived on toy store shelves. Today, billions of these miniature cars race around the world.

savings challenges

Start These Savings Challenges Now

Savings challenges are a great way to ensure you’re accumulating enough money to fund life’s biggest purchases.

ice cream truck history

The History of Ice Cream Trucks

Ice cream trucks have been traveling along American roads for a century, spreading from one Ohio city to neighborhoods across the country.